You can find all current wishes from groups and Third Sector organisations in North Ayrshire below.

If you are a North Ayrshire Council contractor and are interested in delivering one of these wishes, please email to discuss the next steps.

Wishes Statuses

Available for Selection - wishes that are open for offers of help
In Discussion - wishes that we are currently negotiating
In Progress - wishes that have a contractor and completion date agreed

Ardrossan Winton rovers Youth Academy SCIO
North Coast
Wish 1
Type of wish
Sponsorship or fundraising support
What do you need?
The academy is on the look out for a sponsor who would be interested in supporting the activities of the academy. The sponsorship would support the purchase of clothing equipment and footwear for those children who would otherwise be excluded due yo financial barriers.
Wish 2
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
We are looking for financial donations that we would use to further the good work our volunteers do in support of local children being involved in an VC active life as members of Ardrossan Winton Rovers Youth Academy SCIO. Any donations would be used to cover teams costs and assist in providing sportswear for our girls and boys aged between 5-12 years
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection
Beith Community Association SCIO
Garnock Valley
Wish 1
Type of wish
Food (donation)
What do you need?
Our community larder relies of funding support and donations to enable us to provide this valuable support for the local community. We charge a small fee which goes back in to larder funds and we are keen to keep this price at it's current level of £5. We would like support with donations of non perishable foods to top up our larder stock.
Wish 1: Available for selection
Wish 1
Type of wish
Materials (donation)
What do you need?
We are working with our children, young people and families to revamp the space at the Ayrshire Hub which is in Kilwinning. This Hub is used by services that cover the whole of North Ayrshire. Working with The Promise and Children's Rights in mind, we wish to collaborate with our young people to create a space that is welcoming, safe, and fun for them to spend time in. In order to do this we need the office space freshened up with a new coat of paint as our base for this project. We would be looking for donations of paint (ideally colours to be chosen by the young people but we will accept magnolia or white) or a financial contribution so we can purchase the paint. We are working on this right now so the deadline is 31st December 2023 for offer of support.
Wish 2
Type of wish
Request for voluntary time from contractor - general (e.g. helping at an event, general labour for a project)
What do you need?
We are working with our children, young people and families to revamp the space at the Ayrshire Hub which is in Kilwinning. This Hub is used by services that cover the whole of North Ayrshire. Working with The Promise and Children's Rights in mind, we wish to collaborate with our young people to create a space that is welcoming, safe, and fun for them to spend time in. In order to do this we need the office space freshened up with a new coat of paint as our base for this project. We are looking for either a contractor to paint the inside of the building space for us or volunteers to help us paint. We are working on this right now so the deadline is 31st December 2023 for offer of support.
Wish 3
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
We are working with our children, young people and families to revamp the space at the Ayrshire Hub which is in Kilwinning. This Hub is used by services that cover the whole of North Ayrshire. Working with The Promise and Children's Rights in mind, we wish to collaborate with our young people to create a space that is welcoming, safe, and fun for them to spend time in. In order to do this we will be looking to gather young people views and get them involved in deciding and purchasing the soft furnishing and decoration for the Ayrshire Hub. Examples may be cushions, bean bags, resources to make their own art work, posters etc. We would be looking for a financial donation. We would then work with the young people, let them know the budget and support them to plan and design their space. We are working on this right now so the deadline is 31st December 2023 for offer of support.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection; Wish 3: Available for selection
Boutreehill and Broomlands Community Association
Wish 1
Type of wish
Request for voluntary time from contractor - general (e.g. helping at an event, general labour for a project)
What do you need?
In order to facilitate the process of developing our community garden we are in need of assistance with getting the ground prepared, prior to growing starting in Spring 2024. Many of our members are older, and therefore are unable to undertake the heavy work needed to get the garden started. We need support in removing the turf, and landscaping the land for it be ready to start to lay a path, base, gravel and planters. We don’t have access to any machinery to remove the turf and lay the base, so any help would be appreciated.
Wish 2
Type of wish
Materials (donation)
What do you need?
Once our community garden has been landscaped, we are working partnership with Irvine Newtown Men's Shed to create planters of varying sizes and heights that can be accessed by older and wheelchair based learners. We would really like some donations of quality wood and materials to create 8 reasonably sized wooden planters that are weather proof and easily maintained. If possible we are keen to get these planters created for growing in springtime 2024.
Wish 3
Type of wish
Food (donation)
What do you need?
The Farm Basket Community Food Larder which is managed by the community association, and run by volunteers. Whilst only open over 3 set times in the week, we have 87 regular residents/families that have access to the facility. The facility is available to residents or Bourtreehill, Broomlands, and Girdle Toll and provides low cost produce and other essential items. The facility works on a membership basis where residents have the opportunity to choose food specific to their own preferences, and dietary requirements. This is a dignified approach to food insecurity and helps money go further by giving access to quality food at a lower cost. Like many of the food larders in North Ayrshire, our membership is increasing and it is challenging to get donations from local supermarkets and shops to sustain it. We make no profit in running the facility therefore any ambient food donations would be greatly appreciated.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection; Wish 3: Available for selection
Fullarton Community Association
Wish 1
Type of wish
Request for voluntary time from contractor - general (e.g. helping at an event, general labour for a project)
What do you need?
As part of the community asset transfer Fullarton secured land ownership down at the river walkway in Irvine and secured funding from Sports Scotland for the installation of a MUGA (Multi-games area). The land adjacent to the MUGA is in a state of disrepair. Fullarton area has poor health stats and falls below the National Average with regards to poverty, health and deprivation. The outdoor gym will break the cycle and provide better health and wellbeing outcomes. Due to the current cost of living crisis many residents cannot afford access to local gyms. If a medical referral is made, it is expected that the patient has to pay a charge of £20. The Gym will be open to all residents across Irvine, not just Fullarton residents. The outdoor gym would allow for access for families that cannot afford access to mainstream gyms, in an outdoor environment which will improve both physical and mental health for its users. The association are looking to invest in purchasing the outdoor gym equipment, but really need support and man power, and any machinery required in preparing the land ready for the installation of the equipment. The land currently needs the top soil landscaped and foundations laid ready for the installation of the gym equipment.
Wish 2
Type of wish
Food (donation)
What do you need?
Choices Community Shop on Fullarton Street in Irvine, is one of the many community food larders established in North Ayrshire. Choices is run by Fullarton Community Association volunteers. The facility is available to Residents in Irvine with a KA12 postcode, providing a variety of low-cost food produce, ready-made meals and other essential items. The facility works on a membership basis and provides a mini supermarket-like environment where residents have the opportunity to choose food specific to their own preferences, and dietary requirements. This is a dignified approach to food insecurity and helps money go further by giving access to quality food at a lower cost. No profit is made in the larder, and therefore it relies on kind donations from local supermarkets and food providers. We currently provide food provision to 498 residents/families which is increasing, and we are struggling to sustain the donations needed to provide food to these families. Any food donations would be greatly appreciated.
Wish 3
Type of wish
Request for voluntary time from contractor - general (e.g. helping at an event, general labour for a project)
What do you need?
Within the grounds of the Fullarton Community Hub, we have a wooden climbing frame that is used by many of the young children and families, however one of the poles on it has recently broken, therefore families cant get full access as its dangerous. We really need someone that can fix the climbing frame, whilst also providing maintenance and varnishing for the rest of the play facilities on the frame. Any support in providing expertise and materials required to fix the damage, would be much appreciated.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection; Wish 3: Available for selection
Eglinton Community Gardens
Wish 1
Type of wish
Materials (donation)
What do you need?
Large kitchen sink - we need to set up a washing station where clients can wash their hands after working in the gardens and before they sit down for tea. We would also use this for washing our vegetables before sending them out into the community. The water would be plumbed in from our main supply taps, which is cold but acceptable, and we would therefore love to have at least one tap too. If we could get two deep sinks, we could then keep hand washing and vegetable washing separate but, even one would make a huge difference. No deadline but, we could do with it now.
Wish 2
Type of wish
Materials (donation)
What do you need?
8 -10 tonne bags of compost to enable our volunteer groups Breaking Ground, Ground Force, Turning Point and Friday Volunteers to create and maintain a floral centre for the parks visitors to enjoy. A focus will be on sustainable planting using nectar rich plants that encourage biodiversity, exhibit companion planting techniques for vegetables which can act as an educational exemplar across the seasons. We are looking for this support as soon as possible to make the most of the growing season.
Wish 3
Type of wish
Materials (donation)
What do you need?
Gravel. We have a path around the outside of our mindful/sensory garden. We broke up old roof slates to use for a different sensation but, found these to be difficult for folk to walk on. We think it would now be best to replace these with a type of gravel that holds together when compacted. One tonne bag would probably be plenty.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection; Wish 3: Available for selection
Friends of Redburn
Wish 1
Type of wish
Sponsorship or fundraising support
What do you need?
Would be really good if a local business would be able to sponsor us and help fund raise for our special events - even donations of raffle prizes. This would make us more attractive to the wider public.
Wish 1: Available for selection
Three Towns
Wish 1
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
In 2022, we were awarded £2,500 of funding from The Ayrshire Community Trust which allowed us to set up a Discretionary Hardship Fund which provided financial support to 36 individuals and their families. This enabled us to provide instant, tangible financial support to clients who were struggling most with the impact of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. Due to the demand on our services by people who face financial crisis through various situations, this funding has now been completely utilised. We are requesting a financial donation of £2,500 to match this previous fund; however, a donation of any amount would be very much appreciated. Providing this support allowed clients to top up their gas/electricity meters, purchase essential household items and gain access to food, warm clothing, mobile devices, as well as other various means of support required depending on the clients' individual circumstances. We know that anything can happen to anyone, at any time. We want to ensure people have somewhere to turn, and the discretionary fund allows us to provide that help for people in a tough spot. This can also help people avoid borrowing from friends/family, getting into more debt, and potentially prevent them from turning to high-cost or illegal money lenders.
Available for selection
Largs Colts Community Football Club (2016)
North Coast
Wish 1
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
We’re the Largs Colts, a youth football team for children born in 2016, from North Ayrshire’s North Coast, passionate about football and community spirit. Our team, a mix of enthusiastic boys and girls, are always in need for football equipment to continue give our young players the opportunity to train and play. Your support with a £250 donation can make a real difference. It will provide our young players with essential kits, fostering their talent and confidence. In recognition of your generosity, we’ll feature your brand on our social media X account @Largs_Colts2016 , highlighting your commitment to youth sports and community development. Join us in nurturing future football talents. Every contribution brings us closer to our goal!
Wish 2
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
A branded Largs Colts Gazebo featuring the logo, acknowledging the contribution made by the sponsoring company.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection
North Ayrshire Bereavement Group – Healing Hearts
Wish 1
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
Funds towards continued room rental and refreshments to use Kilwinning Library from January 2024. The room rent is £3.35 per hour, and we run a session every week. Refreshments cost around £5 per week, and we'd also be very happy with a donation of any tea, coffee or biscuits to help us with the cost!
Wish 2
Type of wish
Sponsorship or fundraising support
What do you need?
Any support to raise funds to continue to offer this essential support would be greatly appreciated. If there is anything you would like to offer us in addition to ongoing financial support, we'd be very happy to hear from you.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection;