You can find all current wishes from groups and Third Sector organisations in North Ayrshire below.

If you are a North Ayrshire Council contractor and are interested in delivering one of these wishes, please email to discuss the next steps.

Wishes Statuses

Available for Selection - wishes that are open for offers of help
In Discussion - wishes that we are currently negotiating
In Progress - wishes that have a contractor and completion date agreed

Friends of Redburn
Wish 1
Type of wish
Sponsorship or fundraising support
What do you need?
Would be really good if a local business would be able to sponsor us and help fund raise for our special events - even donations of raffle prizes. This would make us more attractive to the wider public.
Wish 1: Available for selection
Three Towns
Wish 1
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
In 2022, we were awarded £2,500 of funding from The Ayrshire Community Trust which allowed us to set up a Discretionary Hardship Fund which provided financial support to 36 individuals and their families. This enabled us to provide instant, tangible financial support to clients who were struggling most with the impact of the Cost-of-Living Crisis. Due to the demand on our services by people who face financial crisis through various situations, this funding has now been completely utilised. We are requesting a financial donation of £2,500 to match this previous fund; however, a donation of any amount would be very much appreciated. Providing this support allowed clients to top up their gas/electricity meters, purchase essential household items and gain access to food, warm clothing, mobile devices, as well as other various means of support required depending on the clients' individual circumstances. We know that anything can happen to anyone, at any time. We want to ensure people have somewhere to turn, and the discretionary fund allows us to provide that help for people in a tough spot. This can also help people avoid borrowing from friends/family, getting into more debt, and potentially prevent them from turning to high-cost or illegal money lenders.
Available for selection
Largs Colts Community Football Club (2016)
North Coast
Wish 1
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
We’re the Largs Colts, a youth football team for children born in 2016, from North Ayrshire’s North Coast, passionate about football and community spirit. Our team, a mix of enthusiastic boys and girls, are always in need for football equipment to continue give our young players the opportunity to train and play. Your support with a £250 donation can make a real difference. It will provide our young players with essential kits, fostering their talent and confidence. In recognition of your generosity, we’ll feature your brand on our social media X account @Largs_Colts2016 , highlighting your commitment to youth sports and community development. Join us in nurturing future football talents. Every contribution brings us closer to our goal!
Wish 2
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
A branded Largs Colts Gazebo featuring the logo, acknowledging the contribution made by the sponsoring company.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection
North Ayrshire Bereavement Group – Healing Hearts
Wish 1
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
Funds towards continued room rental and refreshments to use Kilwinning Library from January 2024. The room rent is £3.35 per hour, and we run a session every week. Refreshments cost around £5 per week, and we'd also be very happy with a donation of any tea, coffee or biscuits to help us with the cost!
Wish 2
Type of wish
Sponsorship or fundraising support
What do you need?
Any support to raise funds to continue to offer this essential support would be greatly appreciated. If there is anything you would like to offer us in addition to ongoing financial support, we'd be very happy to hear from you.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection;
Three Towns Men's Shed
Three Towns
Wish 1
Type of wish
Materials (donation)
What do you need?
We require off cuts of wood to allow our wood workers to produce the like of wishing wells, garden planters, bird boxes, bug hotels and love seats/garden benches. There is no specific time or project as they simply start producing when they have wood to work with so it is an ongoing requirement.
Wish 2
Type of wish
Request for voluntary time from contractor - specific (e.g. specific financial, business, design or other skill-based support)
What do you need?
We are looking for anyone with some structural, surveying, building expertise as we try to decide where we are going to move to. We have A) modular buildings going onto a site in Stevenston or B) modifications to an existing shop in Saltcoats. Our requirement is simply some advice to make sure we do things properly and don't make these sites worse. Any wood that can be donated would be gratefully received.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection
St Peter's Children's Centre Flying Start Toddler Group
Three Towns
Wish 1
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
The cost of providing a healthy snack to our parents and children has nearly doubled in recent times. To enable us to continue to do so we are requesting financial help in this area. Our yearly outgoings for snack in the year March 2022 to April 2023 was £1977 any financial support would be greatly appreciated.
Wish 2
Type of wish
IT equipment (donation)
What do you need?
The group would benefit from a new laptop , the existing one is over 13 years old and is in need of upgrading. The laptop is used for producing newsletters, forms, handbooks and emails. The laptop is a vital part of our work as we use it to apply for grants, funding and research.
Wish 3
Type of wish
Sponsorship or fundraising support
What do you need?
The group relies on grants to operate as our parents due to financial constraints could not fund the sessions. We would appreciate any sponsorship that was available.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection; Wish 3: Available for selection
Dreghorn Gala Committee
Wish 1
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
We would be grateful to receive any type of financial assistance deemed appropriate. This would be invaluable to us as a community group to provide not only the gala next year but also events for the whole community of Dreghorn throughout the year. We are hoping to do several events from now until the gala in June 2024 including kids discos, a Santa walk and potentially a halloween event. These events would be a first for the community and we believe it would bring the community positivity throughout the year as well as on the week leading up to and day of the gala.
Wish 2
Type of wish
Sponsorship or fundraising support
What do you need?
We would find this invaluable to have sponsors for the gala on the 15th June 2024. Sponsorship and fundraising allows us to make next years gala bigger and better for the local community.
Wish 3
Type of wish
IT equipment (donation)
What do you need?
We are a small community based committee and would be looking for any donations of a printer to enable us to carry out our communications and advertise the events successfully.
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection; Wish 3: Available for selection
1st Ardrossan 15th Ayrshire Scout Group
Three Towns
Wish 1
Type of wish
Materials (donation)
What do you need?
Our project is the refurbishment of the Scout Hut to bring it up to modern day standards, make it fit for purpose and sustainable with reduced running costs. The fabric of the building is now failing and beyond designated lifespan. It is also used by community groups and we want to increase that use. As part of the refurbishment, we wish to upgrade our toilets. We are seeking 4 WC suites, 2 urinals and 5 wash hand basins
Wish 2
Type of wish
Request for voluntary time from contractor - specific (e.g. specific financial, business, design or other skill-based support)
What do you need?
We are looking for voluntary time from a plumber who would be willing to install the sanitary wear. The refurbishment programme has been designed on a phased basis, so that it can be undertaken as and when funding and other support allows.
Wish 3
Type of wish
Financial (donation of money)
What do you need?
We are also seeking grant funding from various sources. Many of these funds require match funding, however, before a grant will be awarded and therefore any financial donations, which we could demonstrate as match funding, would help us obtain grant funding. For essential works we are looking to raise £96,000. There is grant funding available for larger works such as an air source heat pump and energy efficiency measures, but not so much available for items like sanitary wear
Wish 1: Available for selection; Wish 2: Available for selection; Wish 3: Available for selection
The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety
Three Towns
Wish 1
Type of wish
Materials (donation)
What do you need?
We have received our Building Warrant for the wellbeing café and the plans are quite specific with regard to roof tiles, wall materials, windows, etc. so if you feel you can help, please get in touch. We also need builders, plumbers, electricians, joiners, etc. to help us build our café. Alternatively, if you would rather make a financial donation, please do contact us...basically, we would be grateful for any help you can offer. :-) The deadline for this project is hopefully July 2024...our fingers are crossed regarding funding and your help.
Available for selection
Arran Community & Voluntary Services
Wish 1
Type of wish
Request for voluntary time from contractor - specific (e.g. specific financial, business, design or other skill-based support)
What do you need?
We are expanding our Community Transport Scheme, & are about to receive two cars to support the work already done by our volunteers in their own cars. The parking area outside our building is breaking up and has some potholes. We would like the area resurfaced to prevent damage to cars & injuries to individuals. The area is not large and accommodates 4 cars.
Available for selection