A LOIP is a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. The Community Empowerment Act tells each Community Planning Partnership that they should have one. This is the main document that will set out what we are trying to achieve as a Partnership for the people and communities of North Ayrshire going forward.
The priorities for North Ayrshire were decided by the Partnership. This was in consultation with Partners and Communities. All consultation events can be found on our consultations page and Engagement Hub. The priorities and LOIP documents can be found in the Our priorities section of this site.
Find out how we are performing against our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan indicators by visiting North Ayrshire Performs– our online performance area (which we share with North Ayrshire Council).
Each year we produce a report that shows the overall performance of the partnership and progress towards our long term outcomes. The annual report also includes many great practical examples of what partners are doing to make a difference. You can view our previous annual reports below.
We also use a people’s panel survey to get the views of local residents. This takes place every 2 years. We use this and will also use the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan to measure how well we are doing. At the end of every year the LOIP is in place, an annual report will be produced that will show the work that has been done through the year towards achieving our outcomes.
We get also get national feedback on our performance. This North Ayrshire Best Value Assurance Report has findings on how we work in partnership and the different it is making.
To see how you or your organisation fits in, or to find out how everything links together, the diagram below might help.