What is the north ayrshire partnership plan?

The North Ayrshire Partnership Plan 2022-30 is our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. It is a strategic plan which sets out what we want to achieve together as a partnership in North Ayrshire. It is a binding plan on all Community Planning partner organisations and will influence how all partners operate locally. It is a requirement under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.

If you require any information in hard copy, please contact us at communityplanning@north-ayrshire.gov.uk

It will deliver on our vision of “North Ayrshire – Fair for All” and has three key themes:

  • Wellbeing – We will address inequalities. We will promote children and young people’s wellbeing. We will enable community wellbeing.
  • Work – We will increase employment. We will develop volunteering. We will better support our young people.
  • World – We will work together to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. We will increase active travel. We will increase carbon literacy within our organisations and communities.

Development process and next steps

Taking into account what the strategic needs assessment tells us about North Ayrshire, partner resource and expertise as well as public feedback  we have developed the plan. This was agreed by the Community Planning Board on 3rd March 2022.

The Community Planning Board report on LOIP gives an overview of the development process and rationale for the plan.

We carried out a  health impact assessment and equality impact assessment of the draft plan.

The next steps are finalising the plan document, creating accessible versions and developing the action plan and performance management arrangements in conjunction with our communities.

Other key plans

The Local Outcomes Improvement Plan contains the priorities for our partnership. We will continue to support a wide range of other partnership work including these strategies:

A new Community Safety Plan has been developed and will be shared on this page once the design has been finalised.