Originally the Volunteer Centre for North Ayrshire the organisation has helped people into volunteering placements and helped organisations find quality volunteers.
In 2011 as directed by the Scottish Government, Volunteer Centres and CVS’s (Council for Voluntary Services) across Scotland were asked to form Third Sector Interfaces.
In North Ayrshire, on the mainland, the CVS and the Volunteer Centre merged to become The Ayrshire Community Trust. Although our remit had changed slightly we have never moved away from our sole purpose of helping individuals.
In addition to our role as the VC we now assist people to set up social enterprises, support community and voluntary organisations and act as the conduit and representative for the third sector within Community Planning and Health and Social Care.
We don’t apply any criteria to who we can work with, however we have found over the years that we do engage with people who often find it difficult to take things forward themselves, so we step in to assist them to really make their dreams come true. We don’t set a timescale; we work with people until they are ready to leave us so there is no dependency culture in what we do.