Dance Mafia’s Dance studio which is located in Saltcoats is like home to many of the kids who train there. To gain the success that they have on a world championship platform many of these kids train up to 15 hours on average week at the studio over and above school hours. On some nights coming straight from school until 9pm at night.
As parents/carers we have set up a fundraising committee to help with the cost of competitions, travel, hotels, costumes etc, to ensure that no child is left behind due to financial constraints they may have. We aim for the dance school to be as accessible as possible to all, regardless of peoples financial position. Last year alone competition costs amounted to over £16k, of which a lot of was paid for by fundraising/donations from local businesses.
As well as taking part in competitions, the dance school are very community minded and volunteer at various community events including Saltcoats Christmas Carnival, charity football matches, charity fundraisers etc. We like to give back to the community who have supported us.
Dance Mafia has facebook and tik tok accounts.