You can find all the results for this year’s PB Funding in North Ayrshire linked in the document below:

North Ayrshire 20/21 Participatory Budgeting Results

Funding this year came from North Ayrshire Council and the HSCP (where the focus of the funding was for projects addressing mental health and well-being)

We had a fantastic result despite the Pandemic but we had to do things a bit differently.

6 Locality steering groups virtually short-listed all the applications received for Arts and Culture and Locality Funding and, those that met the funding criteria were funded (this year without  a vote; this part of the process will be re-introduced this year).

The Youth PB funding process was led by the Young People’s steering group and all short-listed applications were voted on by Young People, aged 8-25 years.

3500 young people voted this year however, in 3 areas where the votes were not representative of the number of young people eligible to vote, the funding was shared equally by the short-listed projects.

Voting took place either in School via mentimeter or on the Young Scot website.

Thanks to everyone who took part either as an applicant or, member of the short-listing Panels and keep an eye out for announcements for this year’s funding ( 21/22)