Harbourside Men's Shed The Group encourages groups of men to get together and participate in activities, normally found in a garden shed – from engineering to creative writing and everything in between – for the benefit of men’s health and wellbeing. Irvine Newtown Men’s Shed The group provides recreational facilities and advances the social needs, health and wellbeing of men of all ages and backgrounds living in Irvine and surrounding areas. Three Towns Men’s Shed The group want to eliminate loneliness and isolation among men by providing friendship and a place to work together by sharing and learning new skills. Garnock Valley Men’s Shed The group address men’s health, loneliness and social isolation in the Garnock Valley. They provide free workshop space and access to free food in a sociable, friendly and welcoming environment designed to encourage men to connect with other like-minded individuals and the wider community. Men’s Shed Dalry A community group who helps support and enhance the wellbeing of men in Dalry. They offer the Fly Tying, Model Building, Bicycle Maintenance and Woodworking.