Our organisation aims to stimulate interest in the character, history and attractions of the West Kilbride area and tries to encourage preservation. development and improvement of features of civic and historic interest. The Society pursues its aims by means of publications, regular meetings and promotion of schemes of a charitable and beneficial nature to the town and by opposition to schemes it considers would spoil the area. We provide benches for all parts of the town’s environs and this is an on-going programme. Our largest on-going expenditure is the maintaining and running of the public Ladies and Gents Toilets in Glen Road. The toilets were taken over from North Ayrshire Council and have been run by financial support from The Civic Society and volunteers from the Society and the community. This is a facility much appreciated by local people and visitors alike. Many businesses in the town support us with donations from collection tins on their premises. We are responsible for maintenance. insurance, replacing any damage or graffiti, cleaning costs, provision of hygiene supplies. All these costs have been increasing year-on-year.