The community shed welcomes all people over 18 by offering a safe and friendly space to come together to socialise or participate in activities such as wood working, arts & crafts, model building, bicycle repairs, 3D printing and music. It helps to tackle social isolation, assisting those who would otherwise be looking for a place to socialise and to find like-minded individuals who are available to support and encourage them. We know this has had a positive impact from the legacy Men’s shed that have had a number of members over the past 15 months who have raised concerns about their feelings of hopelessness. This has led to active participation in the shed. The more members of the community we can reach out to we can try to catch others with similar thoughts before it is too late to save them from vices or worse. Coming together actively promotes peer support for both mental and physical health.
Three Towns Community Shed on facebook
ThreeTowns Men’sShed on facebook
Web page just being finalised ready for launching