In response to the devastating impact that drug and alcohol related deaths are having on our communities, Harbour (Ayrshire) was set up to deliver (in partnership) a range of solution-focused options, while creating opportunities for some of the most vulnerable people in our society, allowing them to live a life free of the stigma and suffering of addiction.
We have a Board of committed, forward thinking and strategically-minded Trustees and a professional fundraiser assists us in securing funding.
We have established a series of eleven highly successful voluntary-led peer support groups throughout Ayrshire, including three family support groups ‘New Beginnings’ in North, South and East Ayrshire.
We work hard to raise awareness of Harbour (Ayrshire) in our community, through networking and creating collaborative working partnerships with organisations that share our values and by regular social media presence.
Harbour (Ayrshire) is fully OSCR Registered
We have 4 support groups in North Ayrshre – 1 womens only group, 2 x men only groups, 1 x family group
Every peer support group is run by lived experience volunteers
We also have an out of hours drug and alcohol helpline run by lived experience volunteers
A community Support vehicle helping the homeless and women fleeing domestic abuse
A Buddy System supporting people coming out of rehab, prison and hospitals
we have 60 volunteers who run all of our services and we access training for them and encourage them into full time education or full time employment and support them into becoming functioning members of society