Our Scout Group comprises 4 sections:- Beavers 6-8 years, Cubs 8-10 years, Scouts 10.5-14 years, Explorers 14-18 years. They take part in activities such as nature studies, creative arts, cooking, games, camping, first aid, outdoor activities and survival skills, all of which give them skills for life, including teamwork, leadership, communication and time management.
We have our own premises at Kilmeny Terrace, Ardrossan. As well as being used by our Scout Group, our premises are available to other community groups and individuals. We have a number of community groups using our premises including a Table Tennis Club, an Akaido Club, a Mother and Toddler Group, a Drumming Group. We want to make our premises a real community hub. We have undertaken surveys which show there would be a demand for our premises, but 100% agreed that they are in need of refurbishment. website – ardrossanscoutgroup.org.uk facebook – Ardrossan Scout Group