Established in 2009 Garnock Valley Allotment Association ( GVAA ) provides growing space for over 70 members form the local area. Located in Sersley Drive Kilbirnie our aim is to encourage and enable members to grow more. This can be fruit, vedge, herbs, shrubs etc. We are a fully inclusive and co-operative community with access to all. Members support each other by sharing communal tasks such as lawn, path and pollytunnel maintenance and by sharing excess seeds, plants and flowers so that members can maxi-mise their plots in an inexpensive way. We also promote healthy living and social interaction by organizing community events such as Open Days, Growing competitions, scarecrow competitions and barbecues.
The committee would like to facilitate a period of modernisation on the site developing communal areas for the good of all members and improving equipment and amenities to make life easier in as environmentally friendly way as possible. We realize that it is only through collaboration and partnership that we can fulfill our ambitions for the future and appreciate any support that can be given to this project via the 3 wishes outlined below. We would be more than happy to publicize the success of our wishes in conjunction with partners when they are achieved. We hope you can help us.