The community of Millport purchased the Victorian Town Hall from North Ayrshire Council in 2019, and are currently undertaking a significant renovation project which will bring the space back into the heart of life in the town, and create a sustainable, accessible and multifunctional space for the future. The group have been incredibly successful at bringing in significant grants and funds, and are working hard as the redevelopment of the building shapes up.
One of the objectives of the project is to enable a healthier lifestyle for local people, and through sport create social connections amongst Millport residents, particularly following the pandemic. The community benefits process presented an opportunity for the group to request some of the equipment that will enable them to get off the ground running with sports activities once the restoration work is at a suitable point, and requested support from a contractor to acquire table tennis sets, tennis posts, racquets and balls.
Gap Communications offer business support services to North Ayrshire Council, and identified Millport Town Hall as a group they would like to fulfil a wish for. Due to the project timelines at the Town Hall, the two organisations agreed that a donation of £500 from Gap Communications earmarked for sports equipment would be the best way forward, as it means the team in Millport do not incur extra expenses storing the equipment until such time as it is ready to be used.

Millport Town Hall
Both organisations found the wish list process to be straightforward and easy to use. Angie McCallum from Millport Town Hall told us: “This was extremely user friendly and there were no issues. A response was only a matter of weeks, the whole thing very efficiently managed.”
Jo Lloyd, Senior Consultant at Gap Communications said: “The Wish List is great: every local authority should do this. It’s easy to use and that helps to benefit not only North Ayrshire Community Groups but also the wider community in which those groups work.
It’s a simple and effective way for local communities to benefit from NAC’s spend with its contractors and it’s a simple and effective way for contractors to deliver on community benefit. A win all round.”
With new developments happening all the time at the Town Hall, you can stay up to date with progress by following the group’s Facebook page. We’re looking forward to seeing the tennis kit in action in the not too distant future, particularly as Angie says “the sports equipment is currently being chosen and will be ordered ready for installation in our new Town Hall.”
If you would also like to support the amazing things happening at Millport Town Hall, they are also keen to speak with anyone who would be interested in donating portable display boards or supporting the set up of their IT systems ahead of their planned opening in October 2022. If that sounds like something your business can help with, drop us a link at