Our Locality Partnerships are the means by which we fulfill the duty in the Community Empowerment Act 2015 to have locality arrangements. There are six Locality Partnerships in North Ayrshire, which cover the whole local authority.
Locality planning was introduced in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, under Part 2: Community Planning. It is one of the ways local communities work together with public and third sector organisations to improve residents’ lives and neighbourhoods.
1. Reducing inequalities
2. Enabling communities to participate in decision making at a neighbourhood level
Our Locality Partnerships have been considering how they might best address local priorities using the community investment fund.
If you have an idea and you think it meets the criteria for the fund please get in touch with the relevant Locality Officer (contact us for their details). They will work with you to develop this idea in conjunction with the Locality Partnership. If the Partnership supports a bid then the group will be encouraged to submit a full application form, which they will decide upon before making a proposal to Cabinet for final approval. An overview of the process is