Part of the statutory licencing process for the Millport Coastal Flood Protection Scheme is a Marine Licence Application.

Consultation with statutory organisations and the community is required before submitting the licence application.  This is referred to as pre-application consultation, and provides the opportunity for the local community, environmental groups, NGOs, regulators and other interested parties to consider and comment on the prospective application.

A report will be prepared on the pre-application consultation and will be submitted with the licence application.  The consultation questionnaire provided at this event includes questions relating to the Marine Licence application.  We welcome any feedback on the project in the context of this application.

An online Pre-Application Consultation meeting relating to the Marine Licence application will be held on Tuesday 14th September, from 5.00pm until 7.00pm.

Zoom Meeting:

ID: 898 1274 9156

Passcode: f60tV4

or go to

Comments can be made using the online questionnaire via the NAC Flooding Website (Millport Coastal FPS). A limited number of paper questionnaires will be provided at Garrison House.

Please note that feedback provided at this stage is not a formal representation on the licence application but will be taken into account in finalising the scheme design and associated application.

Following the public consultation, all comments on the Millport Coastal Flood Protection Scheme should be submitted by Monday 11th October 2021. A collection box for the paper copies of the questionnaire will be placed at Garrison House.